Wie wir erst jetzt entdeckt haben, hatte Drako bereits unsere „Crypt“ gecheckt. Und die ist bei ihm offenbar gut hängen geblieben: „[…] here we have a band that I've covered before with their absolutely awesome masterpiece last year.“
Aber schauen wir uns zunächst an, was er zu unserer „Keule“ sagt. Diese „[…] is once again filled with ferocious catchy riffs and these are all over the place too. You also get one or two melodic leads and a couple of groovy melodic harmonies as well.“
„At some points in this, there's some synth and little keyboard elements too here and there to add a bit of an atmosphere; but mainly, this EP is totally about the power of the riffs, the grooves that don't let up and they are absolutely everywhere on this. This is once again another epic and heavy release that deserves your attention, check it out!“ Wir bekommen 7.85 von 10 Punkten und freuen uns über diese großen Worte. Stark.
Die „Crypt“ haut hier aber nochmal alle Latten aus dem Fass, denn die fand Drako noch stärker: „This album has awesome, punchy and catchy riffs and hooks that are all over this album and I highly dig them. The leads here are absolutely scorching, unfortunately they only appear on a few songs, but what I heard was absolutely killer.“
„The vocal delivery is absolutely crisp and clear and gave me a Dark Tranquility meets Johan Hegg feel a bit.“
Sein Fazit hier: „This is just a melodic catchy album full of awesome riffs and hooks. This is absolutely riff soup all the way and I love it; if you love Melo Death added with tons of groove, then you absolutely will love this one. Check it out!“ Er gib uns 9.4 von 10 Punkten für die „Crypt“. Das sitzt!
Wir danken Drako herzlich für dieses Review-Doppelpack und seinen Support. So werden wir auch in den UK noch berühmt. Besucht gern seine Facebook-Gruppe, dort insipiziert er im Akkord wirklich alles, was er bekommen kann:
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